How far should you go to stand up for what you believe in? | Discussion Board | Picture News

How far should you go to stand up for what you believe in?

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You should go far to stand up for what you believe in because it makes up a part of you and if you don't stand up for what u believe in then its like letting go of a piece of yourself and people might get injured.

Fannie K - Age 10

You should go far to stand up for what you believe in because it makes up a part of you and if you don't stand up for what u believe in then its like letting go of a piece of yourself and people might get injured.

Fannie K - Age 10

You should go far to stand up for what you believe in because it makes up a part of you and if you don't stand up for what u believe in then its like letting go of a piece of yourself and people might get injured in the process

Fannie K - Age 10

You should go far to stand up for what you believe in because it makes up a part of you and if you don't stand up for what u believe in then its like letting go of a piece of yourself and people might get injured in the process

Fannie K - Age 10

I think that you go as far as it takes to make people listen to what you feel very strongly about. If people start listening to you then you should probably either stop protesting or dial down what your doing.

Niamh - Age 9

I believe that you should go as far as it takes to stand up for what you believe in. Of course don't do things that might harm others or your self, but you should still fight for what you believe in since each and everyone's opinion should be heard and accounted for.

tanvi - Age 11

I believe that you should go as far as it takes to stand up for what you believe in. Of course don't do things that might harm others or your self, but you should still fight for what you believe in since each and everyone's opinion should be heard and accounted for.

tanvi - Age 11

No matter the cause we should never be aggressive to others. We should do our best to explain why is it important to do the things we need to.

Carla Nita - Age 6

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