Should your age ever stop you from doing something?
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No, you should try your best to do what you want whatever your age!
I think yes, because sometimes it's important for safety reasons that only an adult does certain tasks.
There are some things that you can't do because you are too young. But don't let your age hold you back from trying new things!
Sort of. I like looking forward to things - like being able to go on a roller coaster! Sometimes it's good to wait and not try to do all the amazing things at once.
No, you can do anything you put your mind to!
Because of your age you may need to approach activities differently. But you should always try to do everything you think you would enjoy.
Yes! I have a younger brother and I'm allowed to do more things than him because I am older. He doesn't always think it's fair, but I think it is. When he is my age he will be able to do more things too.
No, I think that as long as the task is safe, all ages should be able to take part. Just because you are young or old, it doesn't mean you're not good at something.