Should we learn sign language at school? | Discussion Board | Picture News

Should we learn sign language at school?

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Yes, I think that everyone should learn at least one other language. Sign language should be an option at school along with others. I would be really interested in learning to sign.


I think yes! I would love to learn sign language and hope it is an option I can choose too.


If you know someone deaf, I think you should.

Thibault - Age 7

I like that the option is there for pupils to choose it, but I don't think we should all have to learn all languages.


I think it's a good idea because we are all different and we should respect others.

Arthur - Age 11

Yes because it can help us communicate with people who need to use sign language. Maybe this means we can make more friends?!

Lucy - Age 10

I think learning sign language would be a very useful skill. I would definitely like to learn it.

Gina - Age 9

No, I think it should be available for those that would like to learn but not everyone should have to.


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