Should wet wipes be banned? | Discussion Board | Picture News

Should wet wipes be banned?

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I think wet wipes shouldn't be banned as long as people use them properly and do not flush them.

Daniel D - Age 10

I think they shouldn't be banned but we should not use them as much. We should only use them if we really need. If you are using them to wash your face, use a flannel instead.

Luna - Age 7

I think they should be banned. 100 years ago they weren't around, so why do we need them today?

Aled - Age 12

I think they should be available for emergencies, with a big warning label so you know how to dispose of them properly.

Gerry - Age 11

They are bad for the world so they shouldn't be allowed.

Ally - Age 7

Why do we need them? They are causing so much damage and there are alternatives.

Bea - Age 9

Suppose a wet wipe is flushed down. well animals in the sea get things like this e.g soda cans, plastic bottles, plastic straw, even wet wipe packaging! Its safe to not do so the world is in a suitable and sustainable lifestyle.

Atnasya - Age 10

I don't think they should be banned as it is beneficial in a lot of households. However, if people are going to continue using them, It should be disposed properly.

Rancia - Age 11

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