If someone says sorry, should we always forgive them? | Discussion Board | Picture News

If someone says sorry, should we always forgive them?

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I think we should, because forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who harmed you. Forgiveness gives peace.

Anikah - Age 10

I would forgive them if we just had a fall out and they said sorry and they really mean it from the bottom of the heart but if they have done something that really hurt my feelings and they just said sorry and shrugged their shoulders I would not forgive them.

Edward from the Falcon Class - Age 10

I would forgive them if we just had a fall out and they said sorry and they really mean it from the bottom of the heart but if they have done something that really hurt my feelings and they just said sorry and shrugged their shoulders I would not forgive them.

Edward from the Falcon Class - Age 10

I think that I would forgive most people usually as most of the time when I fall out people mean it when they say sorry. However with Boris Johnson I think that people should not forgive him as he has dishonoured our country and had multiple party's while we were in lockdown.

Amy from the Falcon Class - Age 10

Yes because when the person who should forgive you could go in the past, they would surely do it and amend their wrongs, but they cannot do it, so they apologise. You should accept their apology and continue to accept apologies.

Praneel Nayak - Age 7

Not really because someone you can't trust can say sorry but then they do the same thing again.

Aioke - Age 8

sometimes we might not forgive people but if they are really sorry they can we can forgive people although we might get tricked because we trust those people we are friends with. Even wit Boris Johnson. He partied and he said himself that we can not party with other people.

obed - Age 12

I think forgiveness is important, but you don't always need to forget.

Robert - Age 12

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