Do walls divide us or protect us? | Discussion Board | Picture News

Do walls divide us or protect us?

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Walls, divide us ,but they have the power to keep us safe too, for example, Walls in my school divide classrooms but they keep us safe because of the pandemic going around but Walls , in normal circumstances , can give us a sense of privacy and also divide people.

Fannie K. - Age 10

Walls, divide us ,but they have the power to keep us safe too, for example, Walls in my school divide classrooms but they keep us safe because of the pandemic going around but Walls , in normal circumstances , can give us a sense of privacy and also divide people.

Fannie K. - Age 10

they seperate us and mostly protect us! walls are important because they keep us really safe. we would be unsafe without walls!!

Sophia cavalier - Age 9

they protect us mostly. we would be unsafe without them! we also use walls to stop falling (like the very short walls on a boat!!) :) so we need 'em. although the may seperate us, the protect us!!!!!!!!!!

Sophia cavalier - Age 9

they protect us mostly. we would be unsafe without them! we also use walls to stop falling (like the very short walls on a boat!!) :) so we need 'em. although the may seperate us, the protect us!!!!!!!!!! they are also good for...POSTERS!!!!!!!!

Sophia cavalier - Age 9

Walls divides us because we can’t see other like bedrooms you and your siblings are divided into our own room and it feels quite lonely when you have your own room so walls can divide us but then they could protect us from getting hurt by others that you don’t know

Sabiha - Age 10

Walls can both divide and protect us. For example, zoo walls protect people visiting the zoo from dangerous animals but can also keep animals from their natural habitat and keep them locked up in their enclosures.

Mason - Age 7

We need walls during times like this pandemic, since they make sure you don't pass on diseases. Even if there's no pandemic, walls are needed to keep you safe from strangers and falling. However, walls stopping refugees are unfair, and walls can put people against each other.

Gauri Batakurki - Age 10

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