Should zoos have been allowed to reopen earlier?
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Yes because I am missing going to the zoo and seeing all the animals and I think everybody else is missing going to the zoo too.Also we can always go but social distance.
Lucy Carter - Age 9
I think they should have opened a bit earlier so that the animals would not have to suffer with less food longer but I also think they opened at a good time because at the time when they opened it was much safer to go outside.
Lauren - Age 9
Zoo's shouldn't have reopened because there is too many people in one space. But little children don't understand they want to go to the Zoo and they will see their friends but they might accidentally cuddle each other. Then that little child's mother might have the virus!!!
Chloe Crawley - Age 7
I think that zoo's could have opened a little bit earlier because you can space out around the zoo and they could limited the amount of people coming in . The zoo's need to have people working there during lock down because the animals still need to be fed and cleaned .
Darcie Bristow - Age 7
Yes, because people miss going.
Lucy Carter - Age 9
No because loads of people will come just to get out of the house
Sofia - Age 9
Zoos shouldn't have opened up sooner because jeopardies should not be taken in these critical times-to both humans and animals.
Adams Conner Epic - Age 13
I have been to Chester zoo and there are lots of people surrounding the animals so i don't think they should open but they could have like 5 people at an animal .
Safaa Bham - Age 10