How important is it to have a routine? | Discussion Board | Picture News

How important is it to have a routine?

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It is important to have a routine in our busy lives. Everyone knows what needs to be done when and where, this helps everyone to be organised. It helps not to forget important things like cleaning my teeth.

Henry Stiles - Age 8

I find that it is nice to have a routine but I do not think it is that important.

Aaron - Age 8

we should have a routine because if we don't we could loose mental health and get said from different websites like Instagram and snapchat

Castiel Down - Age 9

It is important o have a routine because we will always know what to do and we won't get bored.

Lois Oke - Age 6

i love this company

Ava - Age 7

I think you should get a routine because You have everything you need to do

Lina Boutarik millou - Age 10

It is very important for like my sister she is autistic and get destacted easily so she has a timetable for her school routine

Sofia - Age 9

I think it is very important to have a routine because you might have tea breakfast then Lunch! Or even brush your teeth in the afternoon and in the middle of the night or maybe sleep in the day and be awake in the night! So it is quite important to have a routine.

Olivia - Age 9

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