Are video games the next best thing to our real lives? | Discussion Board | Picture News

Are video games the next best thing to our real lives?

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I think video games can be good if we can't get outside but I do prefer to play other games like blockie and football in the garden.

Oliver - Age 7

Video Games are fun, but people can get addicted to them and can spend more time playing. The thing is, they aren't actually the same as real life, only a picture on the screen that is programmed to act as it is 3D. After lockdown has ended, people won't play games as much.

Emily P - Age 10

No, because some people actually enjoy doing stuff outside and it's not really healthy staying the whole day inside playing video games.

Leo - Age 11

I like playing need for speed, fotnite and fifa20 and rachet & clank. My favourite is fortnite, because I can play with friends. My 2nd favourite is Rachet & Clank, I like saving the universe. Gaming means I get to have fun with my friends, but stay safe from the corona virus.

Harrison Punt - Age 7

It could be depending on how long the corona virus goes on for. The NHS are doing brilliantly to save people’s lives so we’ll have to see

Ben Patton - Age 10

Yes , because it will sharpen our brains but too many video games will make you get addicted , remmember that you should only do video game suitable for your age or if not make sure you have parent / guardians permission

Sushritha - Age 11

Video games make me relaxed & in my comfort zone. It makes me switch off from the real world. When a hard challenge comes I can somehow overcome this hard challenge. Video games are so popular, because they've not been around a long time & because people want some time to chill

Jacob - Age 9

I know from experience that playing video games that you can talk and play with your friends can be extremely fun at times. Though, it is still important you get exercise and fresh air; making sure you are not spending hours a day on screens is vital to your own well being.

Naomi. R - Age 11

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