Can you think of ways to remain positive during difficult times? | Discussion Board | Picture News

Can you think of ways to remain positive during difficult times?

Share your thoughts and opinions about this week's story using the comments section below.

Facetime friends/Family Turn up music loud and have a dance Play sports [garden] Art

Daisy Godwin - Age 9

Slow down, take more time to play and use new ways to connect with far away family. Play games by video call eg cards and board games. Think of the good things that are happening like less pollution.

Molly Chatterton - Age 8

We go outside every day and 'get sporty'. I play football, cricket and swingball.

Mollie Hainge - Age 7

Find a book, sit down and relax. Other thinks you could do are hockey, tennis, scrabble, just find what you enjoy, outside and in. There are so many things you could do to entertain others or just yourself, you just have to find what suits you.

Lewis Woodhead

ignore the negative things and think about positive things such as the world healing because there are fewer cars that spread pollution so the air can become cleaner and can make global warming die down. Also because people don't go outside that much we can stop littering.

Mischa Mountford - Age 9

we need to remind our selves that it will pas if we all do our part to stop it we just have to stay calm settle down maybe do a fun activity we love but most of all protect others and ourselves

Martha - Age 9

Singing makes me happy. Last week we bought daffodils and we loved to watch them open. I like to hear the waves crash on the shore.

Elli Gergianaki - Age 7

We walked to the shop and got some groceries for our elderly neighbours. ( we kept 2meters apart) This made me feel happy as I was helping them.

Charlotte - Age 9

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